After a lengthy City Council meeting last night, the agenda items most turned out to see and hear never made it to a vote of any kind.  Council member Pete Souza, as a final act of being a council member before he gives up his seat, had placed thirteen separate items on the agenda – each one an ethics violation he is claiming against another vacating council member, Jesse Kerley.  Just as the items were to be taken up, Souza asked for a ten minute recess in order to hand out additional information to the Council and the City Attorney.  After the recess, Mayor Mayberry attempted to have the ethics violation items deferred to a special called meeting after he tried to propose the council declare each violation had merit but not enough merit to be further investigated.  Council member Souza became very irritated at the idea of not having his complaints aired in Council Meeting.  Things got heated and two Council members, Danny Wyatt and Pam Harris, just got up, disgusted with the whole affair,  and walked out of the meeting.  Below is the entire video replay of the meeting with the ethics charges introduced at 01:19:30 on the video.