Her video has gone viral, every TV station has aired a story about her, she’s been on every social media site – all over her disdain for women wearing leggings without covering up below the waist.

Jamie Higdon Randolph from Cleveland, Tennessee, decided to film a PSA, outlining all the reasons why leggings are definitely not the same as trousers. While on the way to the shop to buy some new leggings.

You see, it’s not that Jamie doesn’t like leggings. ‘Ladies, it’s pretty much leggin’ weather,’ she says at the start of the two minute clip, which was posted 10 days ago on Facebook. ‘I love leggin’ weather. I don’t care if you don’t like leggins, don’t judge me, they are comfortable.’

However, Jamie wants everyone to know that ‘leggins’ definitely ‘ain’t pants’.

‘Some of you people like to use‪ leggins as britches, as pants-pants,’ she explains. ‘That ain’t how they’re supposed to be worn.’

She goes on: ‘If you can’t wear a shirt that covers your tail so I can’t tell you got some Aztec-print thongs on, you don’t need to be wearing ’em.’ That’s rule number one.

Oh, and if your leggins are ‘too tight’ so she can see your tattoo through them, ‘them’s called pantyhose, honey. Panty. Hose.’