The City of Crossville is working to finalize an agreement with the owners of the Village Inn motel to purchase the embattled property.
On Wednesday, owners said the City was not holding up its end of the agreement and working to find alternative housing for the people still living at the property.
City Attorney Randall York responded to WVLT News’ request for information late last week, saying Crossville still intends to purchase the property and expects the city council to finalize the deal soon. However, the City would rather purchase the property after the residents have vacated.
The attorney also said the City was holding up its end of the bargain, working to find housing for those need
While some have been successful, he said some are refusing the help the City of Crossville is providing.
York outlined a handful of the issues the City is facing in the rehoming process. He said there was unpaid rent for some at previous stays in public housing, while others have felonies that will prevent them from qualifying for housing.
In addition, some residents said they didn’t have social security cards, and/or cell phones. However, the attorney added some who don’t have a cell phone had expressed a disinterest in being given one.
For those with unpaid debts, the City is working with them to remedy that situation. Moreover, for individuals that have felonies, the City is working to see if they can be expunged, with the help of local BAR members who will help them through the process.
While some have been successful, he said some are refusing the help the City of Crossville is providing.