Harlan Co. Ky. police issue warrant for Elsa from ‘Frozen’

ScreenHunter_49 Feb. 19 14.00A Kentucky police department has had enough of the bitter cold weather, so it has issued a warrant for Queen Elsa.

Elsa, a character from Disney’s Frozen, can control the weather with her magical powers. Now, the Harlan City Police Department says enough is enough, blaming the weather on the queen.

“HPD has issued an arrest warrant for Queen Elsa of Arendelle. Suspect is a blonde female last seen wearing a long blue dress and is known to burst into song ‘Let it Go!’ As you can see by the weather she is very dangerous. Do not attempt to apprehend her alone.”

Shortly after posting that message, the police department posted another message warning people that the weather is dangerous.

“All kidding aside, the weather has been very dangerous and temps will get worse. Everyone please take precautions to stay safe and warm. Stay off the roads unless it is an emergency. Watch out and help others who may need help. HPD is doing a great job during this time, but it takes everyone working together.”