By early morning Friday the Plateau will go into a deep freeze mode. Low temperatures overnight is forecast to drop to 8 degrees fahrenheit. This will be dangerously cold and everyone should be prepared. Even if your water pipes have never frozen up before, this might be the night it happens. Run a pencil lead size stream from all your water faucets. If your pipes freeze the ice will expand and burst the pipe.
If you have outdoor pets and they can’t be in your house, make provisions for them to be in a sheltered area such as a garage or outbuilding with a floor heater and change their water often for it will freeze quickly. Have a back-up heating source for your house should the power go off if you heat only with electricity. Make sure your vehicle is full of gas as a second backup for heat but ONLY as long as your vehicle is parked outside or in an open carport and not closed up in a garage. Also make certain your vehicle’s antifreeze is up to specs to handle the near zero temps. Make sure all your devices such as cell phones are fully charged. Have plenty of water and food stored up. Do not go outside unless it is absolutely necessary. Wear layered clothing to keep warm.
The following are tips published by VEC: