Cumberland County Sheriff Casey Cox wants more patrol deputies.  He’s appealing to the county for more money to get help. Sheriff Cox says the department hasn’t added to the line up of deputies in almost 20 years. Cox had sought four deputies during last year’s budget meetings. However, the budget committee took no action on the additional personnel.

The County has added SRO Officers to the schools in the past – but those officers are committed to protecting the schools only.

Cumberland County is the fourth largest county in the state

By comparison, neighboring Putnam County is 281 square miles smaller than Cumberland but has six more deputies than Cumberland County.  Cumberland County has 30 on-the-road patrol deputies. The City of Crossville has 28 City Patrol Officers.

The problem is, the County Commission does not want to raise property tax at all to help build services.  While the County has one of the lowest property tax rate in the state, one resident asked; What good does it do to have a low tax rate and end up getting  yourself shot by a criminal or have all your stuff stolen because we don’t have adequate law enforcement?

Cumberland County Commission’s emergency services committee will meet again March 21 to further discuss Sheriff Cox’s request.