On 07/01/2024 at approximately 1840hrs city units were dispatched to 144 Goodwin Circle for a male identified as Raymond Barrone, attempting to break into the residence through two windows. I arrived at approximately 1844hrs and observed Mr. Barrone to be walking through the back yard away from the residence. I gave him a directive to stop, he complied. I observed him to have a gash on his right hand and it was actively bleeding. I also observed him to have an odor of an alcoholic beverage to be coming from his person when he spoke. I asked him what he was doing at the residence he stated that he lives there and was just trying to get his clothes to leave. Another officer spoke with Sandra K. Smith; she stated that he was trying to break the window with the a/c unit and the right side window to the house. We both observed a crack in the window on the right side of the house. No damage was observed at the window with the a/c unit.

Mrs. Smith stated  that Mr. Barrone had strangled her earlier; no visible markings were observed on her. She stated Mr. Barrone had thrown a plate of spaghetti, walked over to the couch where she was sitting and flipped it over causing her to fall and hit the floor. She stated that Mr. Barrone went outside and she locked the door to keep him from coming back inside. She called 911
Mr. Barrone was asked if he strangled Mrs. Smith, he stated no that she was lying. He was then asked what happened with the window and his hand. He stated he was punching on the door and the window with the a/c unit because it was his and because he wanted to get his clothes. He was asked if he had been drinking, he stated yes that he had a little bit. Mr. Barrone was placed in custody and transported to the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office for booking. I charged Mr. Barrone with domestic assault and was given bond conditions.