Crossville City Council passed a resolution back in 2014 to allow citizens to petition for a recall of council members.  Well it has been done.  A Crossville resident, Howard Burnette, has submitted a recall petition to remove City Council Members Danny Wyatt and Pam Harris to the Cumberland County Election Commisssion which only has to approve of the ‘form’ of the petition not the reasoning.  The reason for Mr. Burnette’s wanting Mr. Wyatt and Ms. Harris removed reads as follows:  (there are actually two petitions, one each for Wyatt and Harris, but with identical wording)

Mr Wyatt (Ms. Harris)  attempted, without just cause, to suspend and replace the City Manager of Crossville.  Furthermore Mr. Wyatt (Ms. Harris) has failed to support and voted to defund the HORIZON INITIATIVE, a very popular community wide program, thus not acting in the best interest of the citizens, which (he,she) wore an oath to represent.

If approved at the Election Commission’s next meeting on April 5th – then Mr. Burnette will be allowed to gather names on his petition, he’ll need to acquire just over 2000 signatures, or 33 percent of registered city voters at the time the petition is turned in before the recall can be put forth as a referendum on either the August or November election ballot.  If all that happens, city voters will be able to vote on whether or not to remove either or both Council Members Wyatt and Harris.