After a massive community outrage today over the BOE voting to not renew DOS Billy Stepps contract, CNF has been taking backlash today over our headline that Cumberland County Director of Schools Billy Stepp was ‘fired’ during last night’s BOE meeting when five of the nine Board Members voted to not renew Stepp’s contract.
We have received numerous messages that the headline was incorrect. We have attempted to contact the five BOE members who voted to not renew Mr. Stepps contract: Anita Hale, Jon Matthews, Scott VanWinkle, Elizabeth Stull and Nick Davis but were only able to connect to Mr. Matthews.
BOE Member Jon Mathews told CNF that Mr. Stepp was not fired – only that his contract as DOS was not renewed but that did not mean he could not do something else in the school system – such as teacher or band director. Mr. Mathews explained that had Mr. Stepp been fired at last nights BOE meeting he would have not been required to show up for work today and yet Mr. Stepps contract does not end until June. Mr. Matthews explained that his reasoning for voting against renewing Mr. Stepps contract was he (Matthews) did not feel Mr. Stepp was taking the school system in the right direction. Matthews went on to say that he had nothing against Mr. Stepp personally and that Mr. Stepp possesses excellent skills as a public relations person.
In response to the BOE members who feel CNF published an incorrect headline saying Mr. Stepp was fired, we apologize. Our rationale was that when the BOE signed a contract with Mr. Stepp to be the DOS, the terminology was that the BOE ‘hired’ Mr. Stepp as DOS. Last night when the BOE did not renew Mr. Stepps contract, effectively dismissing him at the end of his contract – ultimately, he was ‘fired’ (opposite of hired) from his job as DOS – even though he may apply for another position within the school system.
Our headline probably would have been more appropriate such as “BOE VOTES TO NOT REHIRE STEPP”
There is a rally by the community for the BOE to reverse their dismissal of Mr. Stepp including two petitions and requests by community leaders for the BOE to reconvene in a special called meeting in a location large enough to accomodate a large crowd asking for Mr. Stepps contract to be renewed.