
On October 8, 2024, City units were dispatched to the Waffle House in reference to a man inside of the business smoking, throwing chairs, and not letting customers leave by laying on their vehicles. While en route, Dispatch advised City units that the male subject had tattoos on his face and was wearing a white shirt. A detective was the first to arrive.

Upon the City unit’s arrival, the officer observed the Detective speaking with the man. The Officer got out of his vehicle and walked up to them. The man looked at the Officer and grabbed his belongings on the ground, and then ran to the Detective’s truck and attempted to open the passenger side door. The City Officer grabbed his left wrist and told him to relax. The Detective gave him a direct order to stand in front of him by the abandoned store. He did not comply to the commands given to him. He ran to the City Officer’s car and attempted to get into the driver side door of the patrol vehicle.

The City Officer ran to the suspect who balled his left fist up in an aggressive manner. The Officer was able to push him against his patrol vehicle and under hook his left arm and leg swept his left leg taking him to the ground. The Officer then established full body mount at which point the suspect attempted to grab the Officer’s duty issued firearm. The Officer under hooked his arm to restrain him from grabbing the gun. The subject kept saying that he was high. The Detective grabbed the Officer’s handcuffs and placed them onto his left wrist, at which point a third officer arrived on scene and they were able to roll him over and effect the arrest with the necessary force.

They stood him up and he stated that a guy he met at 7/11 gave him something to smoke and caused him to get high. He stated that he just got out of prison and a Morgan County Deputy dropped him off at the bus station. He was identified as Xavier Lamont Pate, placed under arrest and transported to intake for booking. The subject did not request EMS. His handcuffs were double locked and checked for tightness.