On 09/08/2024, a Sheriff’s Deputy was dispatched to the Dollar general store at Highway 127 South for an alarm call coming from the rear door. Upon arrival, he observed the store to have its inside overhead lights off and the back door to be open approximately a half inch with the audible alarms going off.  He then entered the store through the rear open door with his gun drawn. During this he noticed a brown broom handle wedged partly through the door handle in the suspect’s attempt to barricade the door. The part of the store the Deputy entered was a storage area at the back of the store which he cleared first. He then entered into the main area of the store and cleared that area.

While facing towards the main entrance of the store the Deputy observed a male in the cooler section of the store. At this time, he announced he was with the Sheriff’s Department and gave the male several verbal commands to show his hands. The male then proceeded to walk out from behind the aisle and at this time the Deputy could see in his right hand a yellow dollar store bag with merchandise in it and his left hand to be behind his back. Once again, he gave the male several commands to drop the bag and to show both of his hands. The Deputy then asked for another unit due to the suspect ignoring his orders.

During this encounter, the male began to walk towards the Deputy with the bag still in his right hand and his left hand behind his back. The male was saying he was just shopping and had come through the front door. The Deputy again gave the male several verbal commands to drop what he had in his hands and to get on the ground. At this point, the male proceeded to throw the bag on the ground and stick his hands in the air. Once the Deputy was able to see that the male did not have a weapon in his other hand, he holstered his weapon and transitioned to his Taser.

The Deputy again gave the male several verbal commands to turn around and put his hands behind his back. At this time, the male began to walk down the aisle towards the back of the store. The Deputy then pursued the male who began running so the Deputy deployed his Taser causing the male to fall to the ground at which time the male hit his head on the ground causing a laceration to his forehead. During this a second Deputy arrived on scene and assisted with putting the male into custody. The Deputy then called for EMS to have the male checked out and it was at this time the Deputy identified the male to be Jamie Presley from his ID.

While in custody Mr. Presley was searched, and Deputies located a tied clear plastic baggie containing a
crystal-like substance believed to be Methamphetamine weighing approximately 4.7 grams in Mr. Presley’s left pants pocket. Along with the narcotics, two other plastic bags containing white residue were also found, as well as $3030 U.S. currency in different denominations, and a yellow folded strip labeled Buprenorphine and Naloxone Sublingual film, which is a Schedule III drug. All items were collected and placed into a patrol vehicle after the money was counted in front of Mr. Presley.

EMS arrived on scene and stated that Mr. Presley needed stitches for his laceration. Jamie was then transported to the Cumberland County Medical Center with a Deputy accompanying him.

The initial Deputy returned inside the store and spoke with the store manager, who stated he would provide the Deputy with the store video surveillance of the incident.  A list of the merchandise that Mr. Presley had in his possession was made by one of the Deputies on scene.

The store manager stated the total approximate value of all items to be 100.00 dollars. Pictures were taken of the items as well as the rear door where Mr. Presley had entered and attempted to barricade the store.

While on scene two Sergeants had a conversation in reference to Jamie Presley. One stated that the night prior, Deputies responded to a home invasion on Sawmill Road, of which the armed assailants were looking for Mr. Presley. One of the Sergeants and one of the Deputies on scene at the Dollar General had responded to the Sawmill Road address where the invasion took place.

While speaking to the victim of the invasion, the victim informed Deputies that Mr. Presley lived at that address and during the invasion the armed assailants stated that they were looking for Mr. Presley because he stole 10 “racks” from them. The Seargent and the Deputy knew the term “rack” to be slang for $1,000 dollars.

One of the suspected assailants at Sawmill Road (also victim of theft of “racks”) was Mr. Presley’s cousin who is, according to the police report, commonly associated with narcotics.

With this information gathered, the money became suspected ill-gotten gains through either a robbery/theft, or narcotic distribution, as the denominations coincide with narcotic transactions, and it was located along with the 4.7 grams of suspected methamphetamine and 2 separate clear bags. Deputies attempted to locate the cousin for an interview, but they could not get anyone to come to the door at his residence.

The initial Deputy then returned to the Cumberland County Justice Center where he logged everything into evidence and during this he was notified that Mr. Presley was being released from CMC at which time Mr. Presley was transported to the Cumberland County jail for booking. While in booking the Deputy served Mr. Presley with the charges assigned on him.