Former Crossville City Councilman Danny Wyatt has announced his candidacy for one of two City Council seats in the upcoming November 5th City Council race. Below is his official announcement:
This is Danny R. Wyatt, and I would like to announce that I will be a candidate for the
office of City Council in the November 5 th General Election.
I am a lifelong resident of Crossville. I have owned and operated several businesses
over the years. I previously served two terms on the City Council from 2010 to 2019.
Over the years, I have made many great friends with the residents of Crossville. You
can ask anyone who knows me, and they will tell you that I hold true to very
conservative values and principles. I can promise you leadership using common sense,
fairness and careful consideration in all decisions.
A successful business owner knows that you must operate with a balanced budget. It’s
simple…….If you spend more than you make, your budget is not balanced. Even
better…………when you have a little left to save for a rainy day!
Retirees and tourism are paramount to Crossville and have been instrumental in helping
to maintain low property taxes. I support both!
We have some hard work to do with regard to water and sewer issues. We need to
finish the Meadow Park Lake dam project to ensure we have a reserve for future water
supply and to help maintain water rates. Other very important issues the City Council
must address are how to preserve our roads, police and fire departments, keeping them
strong now and for years to come for you, the citizens of Crossville.
I retired this past year and feel I have the time to spend on these important projects.
Additionally, I have several ideas in mind that the City can do for our young people and
youth that will not throw the budget in a “tailspin.” I am very passionate about the fact
that you, the citizens of Crossville, should have a voice when it comes to major
expenditures that may potentially cause an increase in taxes and impact our citizens
This fall I plan to try and see as many of the citizens as possible and get to know you
even better. I humbly ask for your vote. Thank you for your support!
Danny R. Wyatt
Candidate for City Council.