Jeannette Warner, Cumberland county’s first woman County Executive has passed away. Ms. Warner was elected to the position of County Executive in 1982 and again in 1986.  Jeannette is the first County Executive to be sworn in as the title had been changed from Judge to County Executive by the Legislature.  The title is now County Mayor.  Below is a resolution adopted by the Tennessee General Assembly honoring Ms. Warner as the 2008 Women’s History Month Honoree.  Jeannette  was  88.


By Burks
A RESOLUTION to honor and recognize Ms. Jeannette Warner as
the 2008 Women’s History Month honoree for
Fair Park Senior Center.
WHEREAS, it is fitting that the members of this General Assembly should pause to
specially recognize those estimable public servants who have dedicated themselves to
improving the quality of life and the environment for their fellow citizens; and
WHEREAS, through their hard work, expertise, and dedication, these sterling individuals
have pieced together the enduring fabrics that comprise the grand tapestry of the United States
of America; and
WHEREAS, one such remarkable person is Jeannette Warner, who is most assuredly
deserving of special recognition as this year’s Women’s History Month honoree for Fair Park
Senior Center and who will be recognized at a special event on March 14, 2008; and
WHEREAS, born and raised in Cumberland County, Ms. Warner graduated in 1954 from
Cumberland County High School, where she played on the basketball team all four years and
was a member of the Beta Club; and

WHEREAS, Jeannette Warner rendered superb service for many years at the
Cumberland Medical Center, as well as the Crossville Medical Group, where she worked for
both Dr. R. Gene Cravens and James Callis; and
WHEREAS, realizing she needed more education to accomplish all that she wanted, Ms.
Warner attended night classes at Roane State Community College and Tennessee
Technological University while working for the Cumberland County Road Department; and
WHEREAS, a civic-minded person, Jeannette Warner campaigned for and was elected
Cumberland County Executive in 1982 and again in 1986, in which position she served her
constituents with acumen and alacrity and held the singular distinction of being the first female
elected to that prominent position; and
WHEREAS, she also displayed her pioneering leadership abilities in various positions
with the Tennessee County Executive Association and capably served as the organization’s first
female president; and
WHEREAS, possessed of an entrepreneurial spirit, Ms. Warner opened and operated
her own consignment shop business until 1997; she deservingly retired the next year, and now
enjoys her beloved hobbies of gardening; reading; bird watching; doing crafts; taking care of her
three cats, Velvet Elvis, Princess Daisy, and Fraidy Cat; babysitting her granddog, Penelope;
and spending time with her family; and

WHEREAS, her many accomplishments aside, Jeannette Warner is most appreciative of
the love and support she receives from her family, which include her five biggest fans—her
children, Cherry Daugherty, Carla Devine, Joan Ryan, Russell Warner, and Holly Hill; Ms.
Warner counts raising her children to be productive, free-thinking adults as her greatest
accomplishment; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Warner’s outstanding success as a public servant and civic leader is
directly attributable to her reliance on the time-honored values of hard work and common sense
and her uncommon ability to work well with people from all walks of life; and
WHEREAS, Jeannette Warner is a giving person who epitomizes the ideal of the
consummate professional, dedicated public servant, and reliable friend and neighbor in
Cumberland County; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Jeannette Warner is wholly committed to the noble precepts of public
service that have earned Tennessee recognition as the “Volunteer State,” and she should be
specially recognized; now, therefore,
CONCURRING, that we hereby honor and recognize the 2008 Women’s History Month honoree
for the Fair Park Senior Center, Ms. Jeannette Warner, salute her meritorious service to the
State of Tennessee, and extend to her our best wishes for her continued success