Levi-524Straight-2TEver wonder how often you should wash your jeans?

 Levi Strauss CEO Chip Bergh has cleared up once and for all how often people should really wash their jeans.

The jean giant’s top boss says people should keep that closet staple out of the washing machine.

Bergh lives by his words in a recent interview with Fortune magazine.

“These are one of my favorite jeans. These jeans are maybe a year old and these have yet to see a washing machine. I know that sounds totally disgusting. I know it does. But believe me, you can spot clean it, you can air dry it and it is fine. I have yet to get a skin disease or anything else. It works,” Bergh said.

Berg said Levi’s is trying to be the ultimate in “slow fashion.” That means long-wear fashion.

But many found his advice gross and not a good idea at all.