A Tennessee lawmaker has proposed a “slow poke law” that would ticket drivers who sit in the left lane on busy interstates.

Similar laws are starting to gain momentum around the country.

While driving slow in the fast lane and forcing other drivers to pass on the right isn’t illegal in Tennessee, drivers said it is irritating.

Rep. Dan Howell, R-Georgetown, hopes to change the law with a new bill.

The proposed bill would make the fast lane on highways tree lanes wide or more a passing-only lane.

The law would not apply in several instances. Those are as follows:

– When the amount of traffic does not allow a car to safely merge into a nonpassing lane

– When bad weather or an official traffic control device makes it necessary to drve in the passing lane

– When obstructions or hazards are in the nonpassing lane

– When a driver is avoiding traffic moving onto the highway from an acceleration or merging lane

– When highway design makes it necessary to drive in the passing lane to exit or turn left

– To authorized emergency vehicles engaged in official duties

– To vehicles performing highway maintenance and construction operations

A similar law went into effect in Georgia in July of 2014. Police in Cobb County wrote more than 200 tickets in the first year of the law, while Georgia State Patrol records show they wrote nearly 300 tickets in the first year.